Sunday, January 27, 2013

Policy Fallacy 002: A Coin of Consequence

On this week's podcast, Joe and Rex discuss the unintended consequences of collecting coins and of playing baseball with hand grenades.

Listen to the podcast (download)

Links of the week
The trillion dollar coin law (see Section K):
The article about the hole in the debt ceiling law (NPR):
The article about Wal-Mart's zero tolerance policy:
Very similar article about Wal-Mart that's not behind a pay wall:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welcome to Policy Fallacy 001

Welcome, webwonks, to Policy Fallacy: The Podcast of Unintended Consequences. In their inaugural podcast, Regulator Joe and Wonkasaurus Rex discuss the side effects of selective treatment of tuberculosis and the potential unintended consequences of the pending soda ban in New York City.

Listen to the podcast (mp3 download).

WSJ article on TB:
Soda ban explained (NYT):